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Combining foreign language studies with an academic mobility programme


Under the guidance of senior teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages Nurekeshova G.R., Sultankulova Sh.O., Mamyrbaeva M.Z., Satylkhanova G.A. on March 17, a meeting was held on the online platform of career guidance for teachers and graduates of the 11th grade of the specialized lyceum №39 named after S.А. Khodzhikov. Guiding school graduates to choose our university and talking with them, the teachers made it clear that the choice of a teaching profession at this time is necessary, since the profession has proved its place and viability after the events in the world, and the growth of scholarships again proves that it is necessary to pay attention to pedagogical specialties and encouraged them to make the right choice.

During the meeting S.A. Director of the specialized lyceum №39 named after Khodzhikov, Malikova N.T., head of the educational department Dossymbekova M.K., teacher of the English language Myrzagulova Zh.N., class teachers Estemesova A.T., Reginbaeva N.A., Sarymbetova K.K. encouraged students to choose the right profession.


In addition, by guidance of the senior teacher Mamyrbaeva M.Z., the 3rd year students of two foreign languages, Kizatova Aydana and Kalibek Ayaulym who holders of DAAD scholarships, made presentations on the advantages of their chosen foreign language specialty and the exchange of knowledge gained within the framework of the academic mobility program.


The meeting ended with an interesting exchange of views between school graduates and teachers.