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I Republican children`s competition of region-oriented mathematical problems,

dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor T.K.Ospanov


The Department of Professional Training, Educational Program «Primary Education» of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology held the I Republican children`s competition of region-oriented mathematical problems for primary schoolchildren, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Tolegen Karazhanovich Ospanov. The competition was held in an online format. The announcement was on February 15, 2021. The works could be submitted before March 15, 2021. On April 1, the results were published and the certificates were delivered to the participants.

Goals and objectives of the competition:
1. Increase students` interest in the traditions, culture and history of their native land.
2. Development of research, local history, ethnographic activities when creating region oriented mathematical problems.
3. Foster a patriotic attitude towards their home area and respect for its historical and cultural heritage, responsibility for its fate.
4. Identification, development and support of students with aptitude and ability for the methodology of mathematics and its study.
5. Motivate students for creative activities.


Jury of the competition:
1. Akpayeva A.B. - Associate Professor, Department of Professional Training, Educational program «Primary Education» of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU (Almaty)
2. Lebedeva L.A. - Associate Professor, Department of Professional Training, Educational program «Primary Education» of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Abai KazNPU (Almaty)
3. Ageeva L.E. - acting Associate professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, Kazakh National Women`s Teacher Training University (Almaty)
4. Astambaeva Zh.K - 3rd year doctoral student, Department of Professional Training, Educational program «Primary Education» of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Abai KazNPU (Almaty)
5. Satpaeva N. K. - master teacher, coach of School No. 157, 30 years of teaching experience, primary school teacher.
6. Ryabova E.V. - Master of Pedagogy, Department of Professional Training, Educational program «Primary Education» of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU (Almaty)
7. Izbasarova P.M. - primary school teacher, 14 years of experience, KSU «School of Almalybak village « (Almaty region, Karasai district)
8. Kudryavtseva R.A. - primary school teacher, 38 years of experience, Municipal Public Institution « Secondary School Gymnasium Almalybak» (Almaty region, Karasai district)
9. Vdovtseva I.V. - teacher-expert of Municipal Public Institution, 11 years of experience, Municipal Public Institution «Gymnasium No. 15» (Almaty)

The members of jury voted online on the selected criteria.

The competition was held in two age groups: students of 1-2 year (a junior group); students of 3-4 year (a senior group). 46 applications from the junior group and 40 from the senior group were received. From Russian schools-and Kazakh schools equally.


Plot mathematical problems were accepted to the competition:
• the plot of which contains local history material, covering the historical characteristics of their native land.
• the mathematical content of the problems had to correspond to the curriculum of the primary school mathematics course.
• the structure and type of the problem are chosen independently.
• The problem`s solution is formalized and formatted with an explanation up to the student.

The problems must be created by the students themselves. The children had to find local history materials in various reliable sources, in archival materials, or recorded from the words of the inhabitants of their native land during ethnographic expeditions. The number of participants in one application for the competition is not more than two students. References to the sources used are required. Each participant must have a supervisor (intern student, teacher, parents, older siblings).


According to the nominations, the works were distributed as follows:






Architecture of the native land




Cultural life of my city (district, village)




Sports achievements of my city (district, village)




History of my land




The heroic deed of my people during the Great Patriotic War




Geography of my region




Outstanding personalities of my small homeland




Mixed topics works




The Department of professional training of the EP «Primary Education» expresses its gratitude to the members of the jury and the heads of children`s works.


The best works will be published in the «Open School» journal (Kazakhstan). You can also see them here:


Compendium of problems of the 1st prize winners (Senior Group)