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Outcomes of the international webinar «Teacher Participation in decision-making»


On April 5, 2021, within the framework of the Science Month and the International Project «Evidence-Based Teacher Education and Organisational Culture» with the participation of the California State University, Sacramento, USA, an online webinar «Teacher Participation in Decision-Making» took place. The project is funded by the US Government, U.S.-Kazakhstan university partnerships grants programme with the support of the American Council for International Education.


The organizers of the International Online Webinar were: Department of Oriental Philology and Translation, postdoctoral researchers of Abai KazNPU.


The webinar was opened by the Vice-Rector for Research and Digitalization of the University - Sayabek Sakhiev and Maksat Koshkarbayev - coordinator of the partnership program between US - Kazakhstan universities, American Councils for International Education. The moderator of the webinar was Bayan Sapargaliyeva - postdoctoral resaercher, project coordinator from Abai KazNPU. The main speaker of the event was Alexander Sidorkin, project coordinator, professor, dean of the Education College, California State University Sacramento (USA).


Bayan Sapargaliyeva, moderator, project coordinator from Abai KazNPU presented the webinar program and shared briefly about the goal and objectives of the project.

Alexander Sidorkin spoke about the methods of self-government of teachers in American universities, from the beginnings to the present, and spoke about the problems of self-government. The speaker shared the tools and experience of successful teamwork in a team and noted that if an employee is talented, then he needs freedom to manifest his talents and potential, etc.


The online webinar had about 60 participants, representatives of universities in USA, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, including: University of Kentucky, Representation of the German Accreditation Agency ASIIN in Central Asia, Basic School of the National Research University Higher School of Economics Adysheva, Medical College of Osh State University, Kazakh State Law University named after M.S. Narikbayev, Osh State University, M.M. Adyshev Osh Technological University, Medical College of Osh State University, Kazakh State Law University named after M.S. Narikbayev, Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, K. Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University, International IT University, Narxoz University, Kazakh State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture and Abai KazNPU.


At the end of the webinar, the speaker asked an interactive question for discussion. The interest of the participants was noticeable in this discussion and in the question and answer session of the webinar. The webinar finished on a friendly note, the participants thanked the speaker and the organizers of the online event.


Please follow the links on the KazNPU website in the announcements. The series of International Online Webinars continues on April 5,6,7,8,9, 2021.


Presentations of this webinar are attached.