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Two-day training workshop «The Road to the Future Begins with Us»


From March 31 to April 1, 2021 in the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy N. Nazarbayev took place the two-day training seminar «The way to the future begins with yourself.


There was a comprehensive promotion of conceptual ideas and global initiatives of N. Nazarbayev, lectures aimed at raising the sense of patriotism and the formation of social and civic responsibility of Kazakh youth, the study of government policy documents. Lectures on the themes «The Age of Independence», «The Fourth Industrial Revolution», «Rukhani Zhangyru - the way to the future», «Seven faces of the Great Steppe» were delivered and trainings on «Teamwork», «Creating social projects» and others were conducted.


In total, 22 students of Abai KazNPU took part in this training seminar, according to the results of which a ceremony of awarding certificates to the participants was held on April 5 of this year. Kazyna Bekbenbetova, Acting Director of the Department for Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy, who presented information about cooperation with the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, opened the event. In 2017, a Memorandum of Bilateral Cooperation was signed between Abai KazNPU and this library. To date, more than 100 students from the university have participated in the traditional seminar organised under the Memorandum.


Then the floor was given to the head of the service of social-educational and educational projects of Library of Elbasy, Isinova Kunsulu. She told about the content of the seminar-training, noting the activity of our youth, and expressed gratitude to the university administration for their support in this work.


On behalf of the university, Dildabek Didarbek, Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs, and Artyk Kurmanaliev, 4th year student of the Institute of History and Law, spoke. They also thanked the organizers of the seminar and stressed its importance.


Due to this year`s pandemic, the seminar was held in an online format. Nevertheless, the event increased the students` interest in new knowledge and strengthened the link between the library and the university.











Department of Education, Social Work and Youth Policy