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Facts and data - oral history

On April 6, 2021, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan Z. Myrzatayeva conducted a lecture-presentation on the activities of the scientific research center «Oral History» under the leadership of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. Koigeldieva on the topic «Oral history: domestic experience and its possibilities». In the lecture, the author analyzed in detail the methodology of historical science - a new technological tool that is developing in the historical business of the center. He presented projects implemented within the framework of the state programs «People in the flow of History» (2014-2016), «History and Culture of the Great Steppe» (2018-2020) under the leadership of the director of the center M. Koigeldiev. As part of research projects, the centre has carried out dozens of research expeditions and presented hundreds of historical materials to the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


For 9 years of activity of the lecturer, the center has published about 30 books and films (monographs, teaching aids, popular science collections, documentaries and educational films), as well as on the basis of video clips of open lessons conducted in new special master`s courses on the transformation of such scientific practice into theory. In accordance with this, he stressed that this tool of history is also optimal in the field of pedagogy.


More than 50 teachers and undergraduates, doctoral students of Abai KazNPU, who asked questions and exchanged views, attended the lecture.