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The structure of the volost system in the Kazakh region

Within the framework of the «Decade of Science» of the Institute of History and Law on April 5, 2021, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan named after Academician T.S.Sadykov, S. S. Saifulmalikova held an open lecture on the topic «The structure of the volost system in the imperial policy of Russia». She focused on the directions of modern research concerning the structure of the volost system introduced by the Russian Empire in the Kazakh territory. The author supported the mechanism of formation of volosts, the specifics of the structure of the volost system and the consequences that affected the Kazakh society with documents from the archival funds of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The lecturer also focused on the practical implementation of the volost system, built on the basis of the reforms of the XIX century.


The lecture was attended by teachers, undergraduates, doctoral students of Abai KazNPU, University of Energy and Communications named after G.Daukeeva of the city of Almaty, the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Ahmed Yasavi and other higher educational institutions of the country.