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Abai readings in the oriental world


On April 21, 2021, Raya Orazova, Associate Professor at the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education, held the online roundtable «Abai Readings in the Oriental World». Representatives from 6 universities of the country took part in the event, which was held at the republican level. The keynote speakers were Samal Toleubayev, professor at the L.N. Gumilev ENU, a well-known Orientalist-Arabist and translator, Nurkhalyk Abdrakhyn, associate professor of the Department of Chinese Studies at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, and Ergali Yesbossyn, associate professor of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation of Abai KazNPU.


The speakers expanded the content of the presentations using scientific data in Arabic, Chinese and Turkish. Referring to the works of foreign scientists about the life and work of Abai, they presented a lot of interesting and fresh information, paid attention to topical issues, supplemented their reports with illustrative materials. Aigerim Zhumadilova, a doctoral student at Al-Farabi KazNU and a graduate of our university, analyzed aspects of Abai`s work related to philosophical teachings, religious and terminological ways and aroused the interest of the audience.


The guests of the round table were Professor of the SSPU named after M. Auezov, Boranbayev Sandybay, Professor of the Almaty University of Management, Ibzharova Sholpan and the teachers of the department shared their opinions. At the online meeting, the situation with the translation of the works of Hakim Abai into oriental languages was discussed.


There was also a constructive discussion and a scientifically based conversation about translation science and the translation process.


The high-level scientific seminar attracted the attention of the audience, and the participating undergraduates and doctoral students received new information in their field in connection with the study of Abai`s work.