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The virtual study tour on the Dual System

From April 26 to 28, 2021, Abai KazNPU representatives, members of the KAZDUAL project working group attended the virtual study tour on the Dual System in Germany, the aims of the study courses were to conduct a three-day online workshop focusing on different stakeholders and their role and experiences in the implementation of dual education. The study tour featured the presentations from various experts and the discussions we had on the chances and challenges of dual higher and vocational education. Especially the transfer of experiences of Germany and Kazakhstan have been very fruitful and will be useful for the upcoming tasks of the project.

The training courses are distinguished by the comprehensive coverage of the problem under consideration:
- a combination of various types of educational technologies used to present the material;
- availability of feedback from teachers and course organizers, which allows you to quickly resolve emerging issues;
- a very flexible program that allows you to adjust the range of issues under consideration within the direction, depending on the interests and needs of students;
- a convenient schedule and mode of work, allowing you to get the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, competencies without interrupting work;
- the interest of the teaching staff of the courses and the organizers of the courses in the quality of the presented material, the desire to convey as much of their experience as possible.


There will be expected the continuation of the Study Tour from 5 to 7 May 2021, organized by the Austrian partners of the project - the Pedagogical University.


Subsequently, the KAZDUAL project team, the participants of the study tour, are expected to conduct training seminars based on the materials and information received from the European partners as a part of dissemination and exploitation of project results.