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Museum-reserve of A.S. Pushkin «Mikhailovskoe»
visiting university philologists

On October 16, 2021, the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Abai KazNPU Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education organized an international meeting in the literary lounge. Together with the publishing house «Almatykitap baspasy» and the specialized lyceum №165 in Almaty, the department has already conducted online excursions to literary museums many times. This time, the theme of the evening, which brought together more than 100 participants, was the work of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.

The guests were greeted by Olga Mosheeva, chief specialist-expert of the Consulate General of Russia in Almaty. Eighth-graders of the Almaty lyceum prepared, under the guidance of their teacher Marina Asylbekova, a literary composition with the poet`s poetry reading.

Eduard Uzenev, Scientific Secretary of the State Memorial Historical-Literary and Natural-Landscape Museum-Reserve of Alexander Pushkin «Mikhailovskoye», spoke about the sights of his land and about the museum`s exposition. The presentation accompanying his story helped those present mentally transfer to the parks and estates of the reserve.

Professor Dmitry Zhatkin told his young colleagues about the work on the dictionaries of the language of the poets of the Pushkin era.

The decoration of the evening was a romance to the poems of A.S. Pushkin, performed by Anna Bizyaeva, laureate of all-Russian and international competitions, winner of the Gold Medal of the Delphic Games, winner of the international project «On the Wings of Talent».

In her closing speech, the head of the department, Saule Abisheva, thanked the guests and participants of the meeting. She expressed the general opinion: Pushkin`s poetry is dear and necessary to us today, because his poems are an example of beauty and harmony, and the poet himself is a wise and understanding interlocutor.