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Preparation for the National qualification testing of graduate students

On November 10, 2021, the career development department held an online conference for students, graduate students of the final courses in preparation for the national qualification test at the institute of natural sciences and geography.

The event was attended by: deputy chairman of the board -vice-rector for Academic Affairs Bektemesov Maktagali, director of the department for academic affairs Zhanbekov Khairulla, Director of the Institute Kaimuldinova Kulyash, head of the testing center Isabayeva Dorada., director of «Kargaly specialized gymnasium No. 2 for gifted children with instruction in three languages» of Zhambyl district of Almaty region Makhmetova Janat, Imamatdinova Sevara english teacher of «Kargaly specialized Gymnasium No. 2 for gifted children with instruction in three languages» of Zhambyl district of Almaty region employees of the career development department of the institute, teaching staff, students, undergraduates.

The guests and speakers told about the innovation approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on hiring young specialists after graduation. It was also noted that the qualification testing will allow to determine the level of subject knowledge and proficiency in teaching methods of an academic subject.

Speakers Isabayeva Dorada and Imamatdinova Sevara in the form of presentations showed instructions on how graduates are registered by stages, how to choose a test, in which subjects they take tests, about setting a threshold level of points for each category of teacher.

During the conference, students of the final courses received useful, necessary information on their questions of interest.

At the end of the online conference, its participants listened to the information about the opportunity provided by qualification testing for young professionals.