22.11.2021 Annual 76th scientific conference of students and undergraduates of the Institute of Natural Science and Geography of Abai KazNPU
On November 18-19, 2021, the Biology Department of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography of Abai KazNPU held the «76th Annual traditional Conference of students and undergraduates» on the Zoom platform. The faculty of the Department of Biology, students of 1-4 courses and undergraduates of 1-2 courses took an active part in it.
The main purpose of the event is to get acquainted with the current problems and results of new scientific achievements in the field of biology, discuss a wide range of issues on the use of information technologies in science and education, ensure the exchange of knowledge and best practices in promoting the scientific views of students and undergraduates.
The conference program consisted of sections: General Biology, Methods of teaching Biology, New trends in education and Science.
In the section «General Biology» students touched upon topical topics in the field of physiology, zoology, botany. Most of the reports were presented on current topics of biological importance of nutrition, various valuable medicinal plants, protection of various plant species in the country. The chairman of the section was Shynybekova Sh.S., candidate of biological sciences, the secretary - master, teacher Dzharylkapova S.E. The best reports for this section - «Natural extraction of containers in the village of Ortakshyl, Shieli district, Kyzylorda region» (V. Makhmutalieva, 1st place); «Modern views on the origin of life» (T. Bekmurzina, 2nd place); «Protection of biological diversity of flora in reserves and national parks of Kazakhstan» (A. Maratkyzy, 2nd place); «Endemic and rare species of useful plants in Kazakhstan» (A. Khalykbergen, 3rd place); «Study of student nutrition and its biological significance» (Zhuldyz A., Zhanabil N., Orazbekova A., 3rd place).
In the section «Educational directions: methods of teaching biology», the speakers paid great attention to the high efficiency of using modern pedagogical technologies in the classroom, and also noted that the possibilities of innovative technologies in the digital society greatly help students as future teachers. The section was chaired by Associate Professor N. Bekenova, and by the decision of the members of the commission, prizes were taken by students` works - «Volunteering as a means of social activity of students» (Masmakhunova S., Kasim M. - 1st place); «The use of game technologies as a way to implement a system-active approach in teaching biology» (Sayadova Ya., Nurzhankyzy Zh., Adilkhan A., 2nd place); «Features of organizing and conducting laboratory classes in biology in the 7th grade of a secondary school» (Abdirova S., 2nd place); «Application of case method in Genetics discipline» (Sailau Aigerim, 2nd place); «Development of functional and reader literacy of school students within the framework of updating the content of education» (Zharikova Zhuldyz, 3rd place); «Methods of disclosure of the topic «The importance of minerals in the body» in teaching biology» (Mahmut A., Bekzhanova G., Zhukeeva A. - 3rd place); «Application of gamification in biology lessons» (Ibdimin Z. - 3rd place). According to the master`s degree, prizes were taken - «Theoretical foundations of the system of methodological training of biology teachers in a pedagogical university» (Smanova Assel Bolatovna - 1st place); «Theoretical foundations of the formation of functional literacy of students in biology lessons» (Saparova A. - 2nd place); «Theoretical aspects of the use of museum collections in the study of biology course» (Abzhappar M. - 2nd place); «Theoretical foundations of the formation of information competence of future biology teachers» (Tasibek M. - 3rd place); «Theory of ecologization of biological education» (Shalabai A. - 3rd place).
The section «Modern trends in education and Science» touched upon current problems and innovations in education and science, considered ways to solve them. Among the speakers, interesting, exciting topics were noted about the prevalence of viruses, types and features of writing scientific articles, as well as about the current state of plants, and a number of other issues that are relevant in our country today. The best reports - «The spread, types of viruses at the present time» (A.Ibrasheva, 1st place); «The ecological state of the city of Almaty» (M.Duisengalieva, 2nd place); «The current state of vegetation cover spread in the tract «Krutoe» Zhetysu Alatau» (Nurtayeva A., Kaldikhan G., 2nd place); «Standards for writing scientific articles in Kazakhstan» (Rustamova N., 3rd place); «Stages of development of scientific research in Kazakhstan» (Mambetova Zh. 3rd place).
Summing up, the annual traditional 76th conference of students and undergraduates has fully achieved its goals. Students and undergraduates received theoretical and practical experience. We hope that the work done by the biology department will contribute to improving the skills of young specialists on the way to science and training highly qualified specialists!