Seminar «Speech culture: Science. Education. Methodology» in honor of the 60th anniversary of professor Zh.T. Dauletbekova
On November 23, 25, 2021, the Abai KazNPU Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education, the association «Tiltumar» at the scientific and practical center «Latin», the Department of Kazakh language and Literature named after academician S. Kirabaev organized an international scientific and practical online seminar «Speech culture: Science. Education. Methodology» in honor of the 60th anniversary of the master of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the holder of the state grant «The Best University Teacher», professor, famous scientist, doctor of pedagogical sciences Dauletbekova Zhanat Turarbekkyzy.
On November 23, at 10:00, a dialogue platform «Methodology - the world of mastery» took place. The purpose of the event was to spread the great experience obtained as a result of scientific and methodological research of the scientist-teacher Dauletbekova Zhanat Turarbekkyzy.
The event was hosted by the director of the scientific and practical venter «Latin» at Abai KazNPU, corresponding member of NAS RK, an outstanding scientist, professor F.Sh. Orazbayeva.
The dialogue platform was attended by deputy chairman of the Board of Abai KazNPU, vice-rector for academic affairs, M.A. Bektemisov; and director of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education of Abai KazNPU, A.V. Tanzharykova.
Zh.T. Dauletbekova gave an open lecture on the topic «Methods of language teaching: modern trends and paradigms» for teachers of state universities, school teachers, doctoral students and undergraduates, applicants and students, where she spoke about a native language and rational ways of teaching it.
As part of this event, were held the following panoramic lessons using the «Meaningful Learning» technology authored by Zh.T. Dauletbekova:
- Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature of school № 135 in Almaty, Mukhamedzhanova Balnur - «Teaching with the understanding of terms»
- Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature of school № 95 in Almaty, Kosyngali Arshin - «Teaching with an emphasis on the formation of the national mentality»;
- Master`s student of the 2nd year of the specialty Kazakh language and literature of Abai KazNPU, Rustemova Mahabbat - «Teaching with the comprehension of the rules»;
- The 3rd year student of the specialty Kazakh language and literature of Abai KazNPU, Zholdas Aidana - « Teaching with an emphasis on the formation of functional literacy».
On November 25 at 11:00, a solemn plenary session took place. The meeting was chaired by the director of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education of Abai KazNPU , doctor of philological sciences, professor A.V. Tanzharykova. At the plenary session, well-known domestic and foreign scientists made reports on the work of about the work of the hero of the day, the directions of her scientific and methodological research, paradigms of language teaching. Reports were made by: corresponding member of NAS RK, professor F.Sh. Orazbayeva; Hero of Labor of Kazakhstan, honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.T. Mirazova; Professor of Nazarbayev University G.S. Kurmanbay; professor of al-Farabi KazNU A.B. Salkynbay; Professor of KazNWTTU T.N. Ermekova. There were also reports of the professor of Gazi University (Ankara, Turkey), director of the TÖMER language center Nezir Temur; Professor of Kozhatepe University (Afyon, Turkey) Hussein Mutlu Kaharman.
In total, 180 people took part in the online seminar and about 100 articles were published, 25 of which were devoted to the scientific work of Professor Zh.T. Dauletbekova.
Organizers of the international scientific-practical online seminar: Director of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education Tanzharykova A.V., associate professors Rauandina A. K. And M.S. Alibayeva, Professor R.S. Rakhmetova; senior teacher F.K. Yusuf.