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Roundtable discussion «Historical choice: Alash and Akhmet»

On November 29, 2021, the Department of Foreign Languages of Abai KazNPU held a round table on the topic «Historical choice: Alash and Akhmet», dedicated to the 150th Anniversary of A. Baitursynov.

The event was organized by 1st year students (104,105 groups) of the specialty «Foreign language: two foreign languages» and senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages A. S. Tazhenova.

The solemn meeting was attended by Deputy Director for Educational Affairs E.S. Kasenov, who said that A. Baitursynov was a real teacher of the nation, tried to awaken the sleeping Kazakh people, taught Kazakhs to love each other and their homeland. «Ahmet Baitursynov`s contribution to the development of the Kazakh people is limitless: poet, public figure, the first Kazakh theorist-linguist, scientist-educator, one of the leaders of the «Alash» movement. For the sake of his people, he was arrested five times, later he was sentenced to death. It is our common duty to know and appreciate his life path, activities, ideas», - said E.S. Kasenov. He noted that the round table was held in a very dynamic and open mode.