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Trial through the eyes of future lawyers

On December 14, 2021, the final lesson on the training course «Criminal procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan», under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence of Abai KazNPU, Kenzhibekova Elmira, 4th year students of the specialty jurisprudence conducted in the format of a trial.

In the trial, a criminal case was considered under Article 188 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Theft, in the form of a business game in order to better assimilate the theoretical provisions of criminal procedure law by students. Students performed the roles of judge, prosecutor, lawyer, victim, accused, witness, showing their skills in applying the norms of the relevant legislation.

The teacher of the discipline Kenzhibekova E.P. told the students about the importance of conducting such classes in order to form students` conviction in the need for the strictest observance of the rule of law, a sense of responsibility and duty to the state, society and citizens in the fight against crime.