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Internship of professor of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology at Moscow State University under the Bolashak program


The owner of the Bolashak International Scholarship in 2021, Professor of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Marfuga Absatova is undergoing a research internship at the Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia).

M.A. Absatova published more than 370 scientific papers in the open press, including 13 monographs, 25 teaching aids, 14 articles in international scientific journals based on the company (ISI web of Knowledge, Thomson Reuters, Scopus), non-zero impact factor. She received 8 certificates of state registration of rights to the object of copyright. Hirsch index h=2 (Scopus), h= 1 (Web of Science).


Active scientific activity of Absatova M.A. confirmed by scientific supervision and successful defense of five doctoral dissertations (PhD), 46 master`s theses in pedagogy.