қазақша · русский · english
Department of Kazakh Language Theory and Teaching Methods

Round table «Picture of the world of the Kazakh people, reflected in culture»

On November 25, 2020, the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature named after Academician S. Kirabayev organized a round table on the ZOOM platform with the participation of students of the 1st and 2nd year students as well as the teachers of the department on the topic «Picture of the world of the Kazakh people, reflected in culture» within the framework of the programme «Rukhani Zhagyru».


The moderator of the round table was the adviser of the 3rd group of the specialty 6В0170-Kazakh language and literature, Professor Baltabayeva Zhanalyk.


Olzhas Karibayev, Master of the Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Sciences of the Institute of History and Law, Master of Humanities, told the students about the role of Kazakh culture in the world in the era of globalization and answered students` questions. Students enthusiastically discussed the topic of the round table and expressed their opinions.


Deputy Director of the educational work Kassenov Yerlan and associate professor who is responsible for the educational work in the department Moldasanov Yersayin took part in the round table as well.


Teachers of the department as Ibrayeva Aizat, Nuptekeyeva Gulnaz and Ashirov Zhanibek were involved in the organization of the round table.





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