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Department of Kazakh Language Theory and Teaching Methods

Evening of poetry«When the heart languishes...» in memory of Mukagali Makatayev

On February 9, 2022, at the Department of Kazakh language and Literature named after academician S. Kirabayev of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education of Abai KazNPU, under the guidance of adviser of Group 203 of the specialty «6B01701 - Kazakh language and literature», professor ZH.K.Baltabayeva, was held a poetry event «When the heart languishes...» dedicated to the birthday of Mukagali Makatayev on the ZOOM platform.

The purpose of the evening is to give an overview of the life and work of an outstanding poet who left an indelible mark in Kazakh literature, to dedicate the audience to the mystery of the vitality of the poet`s works, who considered humanity his highest goal, as well as to tell about the peculiarities of his poetry

The evening was attended by the deputy director of the Institute for educational work, associate professor E.S. Kasenov; adviser of the 6th group of the 2nd year, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor M. Alibayeva, who made congratulatory speeches and thanked the organizers. The moderator and responsible organizer of the evening was a student of the group Abdulaziz Sayaushuly.

In the first part of the evening, the purpose of the event was explained, and the students of the group Zh. Rakhat, M. Ainazarova, A. Malik, A. Kuanyshkyzy expressively recited the poems of the poet: «Why do I miss you, childhood?», «My profile», «To Maygul» and others.

The second part of the event was titles «My years as a sequel of my verses ...», where interesting facts about the poet`s work were told. Students listened with great interest to the pieces «Simple verse», «I advice» recited by D. Muratbekov and N. Tursynov.

In the 3rd part of the event «There is not enough a song of the heart», songs on the verses of M. Makataev were performed, and information was given about the history of the creation of the songs. Students of groups 6-7 who took part in the event also sang various songs and shared their thoughts about the poet`s works. In particular, a student of the 206 group Serikbol Aigerim performed a song based on the words of the poet «Remember me». At the end of the event, a tape with M. Makataev`s very own voice was listened to. Video recordings of the poet`s life were also shown. The evening of poetry dedicated to the anniversary of M. Makatayev was held at a high level. Undoubtedly, the courage and sharpness of the poet`s thinking will serve as a role model for young people.



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