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Department of Kazakh Language Theory and Teaching Methods

Meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of B.Sokpakbayev

On February 26, 2024 an online meeting of representatives of Abai KazNPU and Kyrgyz secondary school of Uygur district of Almaty region was held on the theme "100 years of B.Sokpakbaev - the classic of Kazakh children`s literature". He was a graduate of our university. The speaker, associate professor A.Tamayev made a report "National idea in the works of B.Sokpakbaev", moderator E.M.Moldasanov - "Art literature - the beginning of education of the nation". They analysed these themes and works of B. Sokpakbaev. The event was attended by the Head of the Department of Kazakh Language Theory and Teaching Methods of the Institute of Philology, Professor N.Abzelbekkyzy, school director I.J.Murataliev, deputy school director for educational work B.Aitbakieva, pedagogical organiser F.R.Tadzhiyeva and students of the school.







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