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Career guidance work with school students On 24.12.2024, career guidance work on the topic "Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai" was held at the specialized Lyceum No. 39 named after S. A. Khodzhikov. As part of a career guidance meeting with students of the 11th grade, interns of Abay University held meaningful lessons on the topic "the first University of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
During the meeting, the 96-year history and achievements of the University in the field of education were presented in detail. Representatives of the university informed about the high position of the University in the international QS rating, relations with foreign universities and academic mobility programs. The features of the University`s undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs were also explained in detail. The interns focused on innovative approaches in the educational areas of the University and spoke about the integration of modern pedagogy and science. Students` questions were answered, information about grant programs, laboratory facilities, library funds and social support for students was provided during the training.
The main topics that aroused the interest of students during the meeting were: International cooperation of the University and opportunities for studying abroad; Demand in the labor market of pedagogy, philology, psychology and other specialties; Work of research centers on the basis of the University.
These classes helped students in the 11th grade to choose their future profession and increased their interest in Abay University. The participants recognized that the university is one of the leading universities in Kazakhstan and were especially enthusiastic about the new opportunities of the University.
Organizers: interns of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Malikova Ulzhan, Rymkhan Akzharkyn, Tugilshieva Kuralai, Beisenaly Ayaulym, Zheken Anara, Zhalgasbaeva Gulbakyt). Leaders: Balabekova. K. Sh, Ibraeva. A.D.
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