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Applicant 2022: meeting with school teachers and students

On February 17, 2022, a meeting was held as part of the career guidance for future applicants. Organizers and participants of this meeting: Deputy Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics for Academic Affairs Khamraev Sh.I., Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Mukhashev Zh.E., Director of the STEM-Technologies Laboratory of the Science and Innovation Park Seiduali K.B., Lecturer Department of Physics Myrzatai M.M. and Master of Education Kamal B, teachers of the Almaty Regional Boarding School named after Abay Zhandykeev Zh.M., Abdulaeva Zh.A., Rauan A., together with a total of 21 students who arrived from 10th and 11th grades.


The guests were informed about the physics and STEM park laboratories and the institute`s library, with the aim of shaping and developing the interests and aptitudes of potential students. They were told about the prospects of studying at the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics.


During the visit to the laboratories, the interest of applicants increased, and they said that they intended to enter KazNPU named after Abai, as well as share information with other students.