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Anniversary of Professor A.I. Kupchishin

On November 10, 2020, the Institute of mathematics, physics and computer science held an online extended meeting of the Institute`s Council dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of Anatoly Kupchishin, doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, Professor, academician of the International Academy of Higher School Sciences (IAS), National Academy of Sciences Of higher School of Kazakhstan (NAS HS), International Academy of engineering Sciences (IAES), member of the writers` unions of Kazakhstan and Russia, the Eurasian Union of writers, holder of the Kurmet order.

The meeting was attended by well-known scientists of Kazakhstan and Russia, who are colleagues and just good friends of Professor Kupchishin A. Vice-Rector for science and digitalization of Abai KazNPU, Professor S. Sakhiyev delivered a congratulatory address from the University`s leadership. In the speeches of academician of NAS RK, laureate of the state prize in science and technology of Kazakhstan, Professor, Kozhamkulov T. head of the physics Department, Professor, corresponding member of NAS RK Kosov V; D. Professor, K. Tlebaev; Honored scientist of Russian Federation Prof. M. D., Professor Lisitsyn V. D. Professor Baktybekov K., Professor, academician of NAS RK Abylkassymov A. Director of IMPI, Professor M. Bekpatshaev noted, that Anatoly Kupchishin is an internationally recognized scientist, and all his activities show an example of selfless service to the development of science and education in the country. Students of the hero of the day - Ph. D., Professor A. T. Abdukhairova and Doctoral student M. N. Niyazov, who emphasized the scientist`s contribution to the training of young specialists, expressed their gratitude.


The employees and guests of honour attending the event joined in the warm congratulations of the speakers.




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