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The informative round table «Algys aitu - Paryzym!»


On February 28, 2022, the Department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and student activists of the Student Assembly «Birlik» held an informative round table «Algys aitu - Paryzym!» dedicated to the Day of Gratitude, which is celebrated in our country on March 1. Shyngys Nurlanov, Vice-Rector for Social Development of the University, made a welcoming speech.


The moderator of the round table - Gulzhikhan Shakharman, the head of the chair of Kazakhstan People`s Assembly, in her turn congratulated the guests and students with the holiday of gratitude, noting its importance for the strengthening of friendship and unity. The member of Council of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, George Iordanidi, chairman of the Association of Greek Societies of Kazakhstan «Philia», Kazbek Mamsurov, chairman of the Ossetian cultural and educational centre «Irnihas», Konstantin Kim, editor-in-chief of the Kore Ilbo republican newspaper and deputy chairman of the Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan, told the story of the settlement of their ethnic groups in our country and thanked the Kazakh people for their hospitality and peaceful life.


Members of the Student Assembly «Birlik» Jarylkapov Alisher, 2nd year student of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education, Yakupova Bakhtinur, 3rd year student of the Institute of Natural Science and Geography, Kurbanbayeva Zarina, 4th year student of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education, Akimov Akimzhan, 2nd year student of the Institute of Mathematics, physics and informatics, Toktogulova Alnaz, the 2nd year student, Bolovneva Angelika, the 3rd year student and Mazhitov Nurtugan, the 2nd year student of Institute of Philology and polylingual education, representatives of Tatar, Uighur, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Russian and Kazakh nationalities took part in offline congratulations. In the online form the Deputy Chairperson of the Student Assembly «Birlik», 1st year student of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Tatyana Marchenko thanked the participants of the event. Duysenbek Umraliev, a teacher at the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports, finished his word of thanks with his song.


At the end of the round table, the Head of the Centre «Rukhani Zhangyru» Zhakauov Maksat once again congratulated the participants and guests. In turn, Konstantin Kim presented an encyclopedia of the Koreans of Kazakhstan to the Department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.