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Advanced training course for teachers, undergraduates and doctoral students

From March 1 to March 5, 2022, a 40-hour advanced training course in Kazakh and Russian for teaching staff, undergraduates and doctoral students of the university on the topic «Organization of educational work with students with special educational needs» was held at the Center for Advanced Studies of Abai KazNPU.

The aim of the course is to improve the professional competencies of teachers in the field of organizing educational activities for children with special educational needs in the context of inclusive practice.

Course objectives:
1) study of the main provisions of normative acts on the organization of education for children with special educational needs;
2) study of effective teaching methods and methods of adapting educational material for children with special educational needs, taking into account their individual needs and capabilities;
3) the formation of practical skills in the use of technology of psychological and pedagogical support;
4) the formation of skills in the use of criteria-based assessment of the progress of students with special educational needs;
5) the formation of practical skills in the use of distance learning technologies and technologies of psychological and pedagogical support for students with special educational needs.

Students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the main provisions of the regulatory documents on the organization of education for children with special educational needs; acquire practical skills in effective teaching methods and methods for adapting educational material and using technologies for psychological and pedagogical support, organizing educational space, taking into account their individual needs and capabilities.

The round table also discussed the effectiveness of organizing the educational process with children with special educational needs, the possibility of organizing the educational process of children with special educational needs through tutoring and coaching activities, providing methodological support at school, and organizing teaching practice for students.