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Excursion to the State Museum of Arts of Kazakhstan named after A. Kasteev


Teachers of the Department of Geography and Ecology of the Institute of Natural Science and Geography of Abai KazNPU in the framework of the minor programme "Tourist and Excursion Management" on October 10, 2023 held an excursion to the State Museum of Arts of Kazakhstan named after A.Kasteev for the students of the 3rd year of the educational programme "6B01201-Preschool Education and Upbringing". The organiser of the event - teacher Beken A.N.


Students were accompanied by a special guide. She familiarised the young people with the amazing collection of the museum - fine, traditional and modern applied art, with an extensive collection of Western, Russian and Soviet art, as well as with the products of the peoples of the East. Special attention was paid to the history of Kazakh applied art of the 19th-20th centuries, to the works of folk masters. These are jewellery and silverware, weapons, leather and felt products, tekemets, tufted and "bald" carpets, hand embroidery and various household items. We believe that such excursions awaken in students a sense of national identity, a desire for knowledge, history and culture of the country.





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