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The winners of the competition "Give a second life to paper waste" were awarded


On November 17, 2023, Abai KazNPU hosted the awarding ceremony of the winners of the competition "Give a second life to paper waste", organised by the Ayala Eco-club with the support of the UNESCO Chair in Educational Science and Teacher Training. The aim of the event was to give a second life to paper and cardboard products by recycling them and to promote an economical and careful attitude towards this raw material. At the end of the competition, the best participants were awarded diplomas and special prizes. The results were summarised by the commission of the Department of Geography and Ecology of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography (D.B. Djusupova, K.Sh. Bakirova, G.M. Sabdenalieva, J.T. Tilekova, J.B. Kaldybaeva).

Winners of prizes: 1st place: the work "Our planet is our home" of students of the 4th year of the Russian department of speciality "6В05202-Ecology" Djabbarova Emilia and Chaika Ksenia; 2nd place was shared by the work "Owl" Abduvalieva Aidana, student of the 1st year of speciality "Biology-education", and the work "Beautiful swan" of students of the 4th year of speciality "Ecology" Alimkhanova Aidana and Bakhytbek Nursipat. The 3rd place was taken by the works "Fading Flowers" by Abzhan Perizat and Ramazan Fatima, 4th year students of the speciality "6B05202-Ecology", and baskets "Autumn Time" by the 3rd year students of the speciality "6B05202-Ecology" Alkhanova Meruert and Ivanova Anastasia.





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