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Regional competition of essays about friendship of poets among pupils in grades 9-11


On April 2, 2022, the Republican Ethnocultural Center of the Uighurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, Department of Oriental Philology and Translation of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education of Abai KazNPU, Institute for Advanced Studies of JSC «Orleu» in the Almaty region and secondary school No. 3 named after I. Molutov (Bakhtia) held a regional essay competition among pupils in grades 9-11 on the topic «Adeby dostyk-mangilik dostyk (based on friendship between Ilya Bakhtia and Mukagali Makataev)». The event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the talented poet, author of many collections of poems Ilya Bakhtiya (Molutov), was held online on the ZOOM platform.

The goal is to acquaint students with the work of I.Bakhtia, to promote students in the free written and oral expression of their ideas, and to identify students who are capable and creative in the literary genre.

The head of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation G.Kh.Abdrakhmanova, senior lecturers of the department R.U.Arziev, G.M.Autova, H.V.Masimova and Sh.B.Baratova took part in the competition. In general, the competition made a great impression on the participants.