қазақша · русский · english
 Mukataeva Zhazira Sagatbekovna
Head of the Department of Chemistry
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor
Kazybek Bi str., 30


Chair of the Chemistry was organized in the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai immediately in the first years after its founding, when only the Faculty of Pedagogy were opened three divisions: physics and mathematics, natural sciences and linguistic and pedagogical.

The first head of the chemistry chair was professor C.B.Balanin, then the chair was headed by senior lecturers consistently A.N.Grigorenko, A.B.Bekturov (1934-1935gg.). 1937 chair was headed by O.A.Suvorova, who came from Leningrad (Saint - Petersburg) after postgraduate study with a defense of a thesis written under the guidance of the first Soviet Chemistry - Methodist V.N.Verkhovsky. Under her head, for 30 years the chair was actively engaged in the development of both methodological issues and scientific activities. In the years 1937-1941 O.A. Suvorova has focused on educational problems of teaching chemistry. Thus, under the leadership of the Department of O.A.Suvorova was an active participant in the creation in Kazakhstan teaching resource center for chemistry, then the successful continuation of her students I.N. Nugumanova, A.F. Seytzhanov, S.M. Musabekov, A. Myrzabayev, B.K.Almashev, K.A. Nurumbetovand etc. After opening in 1957 at the Chair of Chemistry KazPI named after Abai graduate school, a number of post-graduate students of the department under the direction of O.A. Suvorova continued implementation of educational and methodological studies, among which are the two main areas: communication and inter-subject didactic principles of teaching chemistry.

From 1968 till 1978 the department was headed by associate professor S.R.Omarova. During this period, under her head were carried out electrochemical studies of the kinetics and mechanism of catalytic hydrogenation of fats and graduate candidates N.B.Baimukhanova, A.F.Seytzhanov, M.Kamalov, L.L.Uvalieva.

In 1975, the Chair of Chemistry was divided into two: the chair of Inorganic Chemistry and Methods of Teaching Chemistry and the chair of Organic Chemistry, which existed separately until 1987. Headed the Chair of educated graduates KazPI named after Abai docents I.N.Nugumanov and A.F.Seitzhanov. In 1987, the chair was again eaten in the department of chemistry and its teaching methodology, which was headed until 2002 professor a.F.Seitzhanov.

For example, studies I.E.Nugumanova devoted terminological problem of teaching chemistry in the Kazakh high school (PhD thesis defended in 1966) and didactic basics, published the first textbook on the Kazakh methods of teaching chemistry «Methodology of teaching the Chemistry» (1992).

In 1993 A.F.Seytzhanov published in the Kazakh language textbook for higher education in organic chemistry, and then reissued with amendments in 2005. In the preparation and publication of textbooks, manuals and teaching materials are actively involved almost all the leading teachers of the chair. So, R.H.Turgumbayeva in 1988 published handbook «Organic chemistry courses diazo compound teaching» H.N.Zhanbekov in 2000 released a workshop «Analitical chemistry workshops» In 2002 A.N.Karimov published textbook «Analytical foundation of the chemistry» of 2007-2008. Kh.N. Zhanbekov «Analytical Chemistry I», «Analytical Chemistry II» released textbook. Zh.A.Shokybayev "Inorganically and analytical Chemistry" (2003), Zh.A.Shokybayev, Z.A.Unerbayeva, G.S.Kamieva, Zh.R.Kozhagulova «Inorganic chemistry workshops» (2004); I.N.Nugumanov, Zh.A.Shokybayev, Z.O.Unerbayeva «Methodology of teaching Chemistry» republished textbook (2005).; Shokybayev Zh.A., Unerbaeva «Workshops Methodology of teaching Chemistry»; «Chemistry for Secondary school» Zh.A.Shokybayev, Gabrielyan «Chemistry» - released a textbook for pupils 8, 9, 10, 11. «Kitap» (2006), Zh.A.Shokybaev, Zh.U.Begaliyev «General chemistry workshops» (2007); S.E.Abdugalina, K.Okas, Zh.A.Shokybayev "Methods of teaching chemistry course on the basis of a systematic structural approach" (2009); Zh.A.Shokybayev «Theoretical basics of inoganic chemistry» and «Chemistry elements» (2010); Zh.S.Mukatayeva "Chemical ecology" (2010); H.N.Zhanbekov «Physical and colloid task exercises collection» (2010); Zh.S.Mukatayeva «Chemistry of natural waters» (2011); A.F.Seytzhanov, G.T.Azimbayeva, H.A.Nazarymbetova "Handbook for Small Workshop on Organic Chemistry" (2012); M.Zh.Zhaksibayev, Z.S.Akhatova «Analytical Chemistry» (2012); M.Zh.Zhaksibayev, Z.S.Akhatova «Physical Colloid Chemistry» (2012) were released.

Since 2002, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor Zh.A.Shokybayev has been appointed the Head of the Department of Chemistry. In 2008, the structure of the Department of Chemistry was changed and divided into two departments: General and Organic Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry. The Department of Inorganic Chemistry was headed by professor Zh.A.Shokybaev, and the Department of General and Organic Chemistry was headed by professor N.K.Akhmetov. In 2014, the departments were merged into the department «Chemistry» and headed by doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor N.K. Akhmetov. In 2018, the head of the department "Chemistry" was appointed Ph.D., assoc. professor Zh.S.Mukatayeva.

In 2014 professor N.K.Akhmetov and professor Zh.A.Shokybayev won grants from KazNPU named after Abai on the following topics: «Innovative teaching methods in chemical quality analysis» and «Орта мектеп, ЖОО-да химияны оқытудың сабақтастығы негізінде инновациялық оқу әдістемелік құралдармен қамтамасыз ету». In 2018, professor N.K. Akhmetov won the project of the MES RK: «The use of information and computer technology in teaching chemistry through game learning».

The competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «The best teacher of the university» in 2010 was won by Dr. Sc., professor G.I.Meirova and in 2018 Dr. Sc. R.Kh.Turgumbayeva.

The department of chemistry completed about 1000 research and teaching work. Of these, 10 monographs, more than 60 books and textbooks in Kazakh, Russian and English.

The main activity of the department is aimed at training highly qualified specialists and bachelors of chemistry of pedagogical and scientific profile corresponding to the requirements of education. The undergraduate degree in 5B011200-«Chemistry» and the master`s degree in the specialty 6M011200-«Chemistry» have been accredited and certified.