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Republican methodological webinar «Processes of globalisation in education and science»


November 30, 2022 at Republican methodical webinar «Globalization processes in education and science» organized by I. Altynsarin Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute in honor of the 150th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, teacher and educator A. Baitursynov, a senior lecturer of the Department of Chemistry of the Institute of Science and Geography of Abai KazNPU Zhanar Korganbayeva made a report on «The content of educational programs in chemistry (bachelor, master, doctorate)». She described in detail the content of the prepared educational programs at the Department of Chemistry.


The teaching staff of Kazakh National Women`s Teacher training University (Almaty), Kazakh University of Technology and Business (Astana), South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University (Shymkent), Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin took part in the webinar. Current issues related to the content of educational programs were analyzed.






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