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Round table «Tarikhka tagzym - onegeli is»


On May 29, 2019, the 1st year students of the specialty 5B011200-«Chemistry» of the Institute of Natural Science and Geography, the Department of Chemistry, organized and held a round table «Tarikhka tagzym - onegeli is». Mentors: associate professor Zhazira Mukatayeva and teacher Balkenzhe Zholdasbek.


The round table was attended by professors and students of the Department of chemistry. The event featured a presentation about hunger and victims of political repression of the Kazakh intelligentsia, a video and a scene.


At the end of the round table professor Zhenis Shokybaev, professor Nesipkhan Bektenovand associate professor Zhazira Mukatayeva told the students about historical events. The round table was useful to students of our institute.







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