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74th scientific conference of students and undergraduates


On November 22, 2019, the 74th scientific conference of students and undergraduates was held at the Department of chemistry of the Institute of natural Sciences and geography.


The purpose of the event is the development of creative activity of young researchers, increasing interest in research, strengthening scientific ties among young people.


Head of the Department ZhaziraMukataeva made a congratulatory speech and wished the participants success.


During the conference, topical topics of scientific work of students were discussed, a number of recommendations were developed.


Among the participants who delivered the best reports, according to the results of the conference, the first place was taken by a fourth-year student Sagynbaeva Gurbanay, the second - a fourth-year student Khalida Sundetkalieva and freshman Abduzhaparova Aruzhan. Third place was taken by a 3rd year student Kuanyshbay Arailym, freshmen Tsepke Vsevolod and Zhasanbaeva Aknur.







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