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Schoolchildren become involved in science


On April 12, 2022, in honor of the holiday of science workers, in order to familiarize schoolchildren with science, the Institute of Natural Science and Geography held a meeting of the faculty of the «Geography, Environment and Services» Program with employees and students of gymnasium school No. 58 in Almaty on the topic «Bilim negizi-gylymda».

The authors of the textbooks «Geography» K.D. Kaimuldinova, S. Abilmazhinova, B.Sh. Abdimanapov, A.U. Abulgaziev came to the meeting and explained to the students the special features and difficulties of textbook writing.


Teachers of school-gymnasium No. 58 thanked the methodologists S. Kasenov, K. Muzdybayeva, N. Shakirova, who specially arrived from the university.

Teachers S.K. Kasenov, N.D. Shakirova, K.S. Sadykova, organized the high-level meeting.