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Dear students, teachers, graduates and professors!


We invite you to the International Science Festival «Unity and Continuity of Generations in Spiritual Revival: Theory and Practice», dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Koyanbaev R.M., which will be held on December 10-11, 2019.

The purpose of the festival: to increase the scientific potential of participants by studying the pedagogical ideas of Koyanbayev R.M.

Stages of the festival:
1. Contest of «UzdikKoyanbayevtanushy» projects which will be held in absentia(November08 - December 04, 2019)
2. The opening ceremony of the festival.
Announcing the results of the contest of «UzdikKoyanbayevtanushy» projects, awarding the winners and prize-winners (December 10, 2019)
3. Contest «The Best Koyanbayev Group» which will be held among students of 1-2 courses. (December 10, 2019),
4.«SТЕМ»Festival, which will be held among primary school pupils
( December 11, 2019).
5.International On-line Roundtable «The modern Educational Trends» (December 11, 2019).

Organizers: Abai KazNPU, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, the staff of Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education. Contact phone: 87012723327, Akerke Umirbekova.

Venue: 31, Tolebi Street, Almaty, auditorium 15.

Attachments: 1.Rules on the organization and holding of the contest of «Uzdik Koyanbayev tanushy» projects. 2. Program of the International Science Festival «Unity and Continuity of Generations in Spiritual Revival: Theory and Practice», dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Koyanbaev R.M.