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Rector of the University visited a class of Philosophy students

On April 14, 2022, Rector of Abai KazNPU D.N. Bilyalov attended the class of the candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of Russian language and literature of the Institute of Philology Zh.B. Ibraeva. Students of the specialty «Russian Language and Literature in Schools with a Non-Russian Language of Instruction» studied the topic «Ideological and artistic content of the novel by E.E. Schmitt «Oscar and the Pink Lady».

At the lesson, one could be convinced that information and communication technologies are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The main methodological techniques for the development of critical thinking were used: educational brainstorming, intellectual warm-up, the method of control questions and the «reading with stops» technique. Darkhan Nurlanovich, who was present at the lesson, not only observed, but also actively participated in the implementation of these forms of work, using the technique of cross-discussion.

Under the leadership of Zh. Ibrayeva, an independent search activity was organized for students to solve educational problems (problem learning technology), during which students form new knowledge, skills and abilities, develop abilities, cognitive activity, curiosity, erudition, creative thinking and other personally significant quality.

It is important that the teacher adhered to the principles of humane-personal pedagogy and psychology. Favorable psychological climate, situations of success and emotional relaxation, as well as work in pairs, in mini-groups, where each student felt the support of a friend - all this testified to the use of health-saving technology.

The lesson raised «hard» questions about life and death, about the sick ten-year-old Oscar, the hero of the novel by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, who has 12 days left to live. Such complex «life lessons» and the search for the right answers help students acquire vital knowledge, become more secure in choosing worthy paths, no matter how hopeless the situation is. And this is the moral and educational meaning of the lesson and the socialization of our students. We learn to live by choosing the right path!