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Virtual quiz «Oz elim menin - ozegim menin»


On April 12, 2022, the 2nd all-university virtual quiz «Oz elim menin - ozegim menin» among 1st year students was held at Abai KazNPU within the framework of the Decade of Science. The organizers are the department of disciplines of the pedagogical cycle at the university, the department for educational, social and youth policy, the creative laboratory of the future teacher «Virtual Lab».


Director of the Department of Education, Social Work and Youth Policy Dildabek D.Zh., Head of the Department of Disciplines of the Pedagogical Cycle at the University, Professor Kolumbayeva Sh.Zh., Head of the Department of Science, Monitoring and International Cooperation of the Institute of Pedagogics and psychology Duisenbaev A.K., associate professor Ibraimova Zh.K. and Professor Berikhanov A.E.

All participants gladly answered questions related to the history and geography of Kazakhstan, customs and cultural traditions, national games, the life and work of famous personalities, and the history of Independent Kazakhstan.

The quiz was held on the Kahoot platform, which ensured the transparency and fairness of the players` victory.

The winners were: 1st place - Galymkyzy Baglan, 2nd - Berikkyzy Kamshat and 3rd place - Aidarbek Bekzhan. All three are IMPhI students. The best participants of the event were awarded with cash certificates, diplomas and incentive prizes.





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