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Master classes for 2nd year students


November 28, 2024, the Department of Pedagogy of the FPP as part of the 2nd year teaching practice, organized master classes for students of the Faculty of History and Law, which were conducted by teachers of schools # 29, # 44 of the Ili district, Almaty region.


The event was attended by the directors of schools: # 29 Koishybaeva Zinat, # 44 Adetov Kuanysh, school teachers Adamkulova Gulzina, Taylakbaeva Zhadyra, Mynbaeva Bakhyt, Toleukhan Bakhytgul, Bersugurova Gulnafis, Rakhmanova Zukhra, Ormanbaeva Zhanar, Raimbekova Lyutsiya.


The purpose of the master classes was to form professional competencies and skills of future teachers in the field of education and the basics of history teaching methods, to increase students` motivation and interest in pedagogical activities.


Master classes were held on current issues of education and methods of teaching history: "Kazaktyn ulttyk kiimderi - ulttyk nakysh pen onerdin korinisy", "Ulttyk kiim - ult benesi", "Kazakhstyn ulttyk kiіmderinin physics", "Ulttyk kiіm arkyly ulttyk rukhty ulyktau", "Pedagogterdin kasibi kuzirettililigin damyta, kalyptastyra otyryp, more qalyptastyruyna ykpal etu", "Ulttyk kundylyktar - tәrbie bastauy", "Ұrpak tәrbiesіnde kalyptaskan halkymyzdyn zhaksy dаstүrlerі men tғylymdaryn arkyly parasattylykka baulu", "Kazaktyn ulttyk kiimderi ulttyk nakysh pen onerdin korinіsi", "Lesson study: okushylardyn bilim sapasyn artyru kuraly".


The event was attended by teaching staff of the Department of Pedagogy, about 100 2nd year students of FHL studying in the EP direction "6B01 - Pedagogical Sciences".



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