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The architecture of a digital platform for automated diagnostics of functional literacy of schoolchildren was discussed

On May 20, 2022, the Centre for Teaching Excellence of Abai KazNPU and the Centre for Continuing Professional Development of Teachers of the Republic of Tatarstan (RT) of Kazan Federal University held an online meeting on «The Architecture of the Digital Platform for Automated Diagnostics of the Functional Literacy of Schoolchildren».


Moderators: Daniyar Esenuly - Deputy Head of the Centre for Pedagogical Excellence of Abai KazNPU , PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization. and Rais Shaikhelislamov - Head of the Centre for Continuous Professional Development of Teachers of RT, Doctor of Economics, Professor


The meeting was organized along the following lines:

1. Modeling the structure, description of functional purpose of platform elements: R. F. Shaikhelislamov - «Organization of scientific-methodical laboratory activities to develop functional literacy»; lecturers of Abai KazNPU L. A. Lebedeva, associate professor of pedagogy and methodology of primary education - «Reading literacy»; T. B.Kornilova, Corresponding Member of International Academy of Informatization - «International research TIMSS, PIRLS and PISA as a universal tool for comparison evaluation of school education effectiveness»; and L.I.Zhazylbek, Assistant Professor of Law - «Financial literacy»;
2. Procedure of data exchange in system of teacher`s and pupil`s personal profile in diagnostics of functional literacy of schoolchildren» - L. F. Osipova, Head of distance learning department at Volga Interregional centre for professional development and retraining of educators at Institute of psychology and education (Kazan Federal University). A.B.Akpaeva - assistant professor of chair of pedagogy and methodology of elementary education of Institute of pedagogy and psychology of Abai KazNPU - «RK experience in preparation of university students taking into account dynamics of functional literacy development of schoolchildren»;
3. A.H.Arenova, professor of chair of pedagogy and elementary education methodology of Abai KazNPU - «Development of skills, determining the contents of functional literacy of schoolchildren»; L.E.Mingalieva, director of the Centre for evaluation of professional skills and qualification of teachers of Kazan Federal University - «Structure of tasks for automatic diagnostics of development of reading, mathematical, natural-science and financial literacy, creative literacy».
4. Complex modelling of results of functional literacy diagnostics of schoolchildren: Ch. M. Shavaleeva, Deputy Director of the Centre for Continuous Professional Development of Teaching Staff of the Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan Federal University - «Current and final diagnostics of the functional literacy level of a schoolchild and correction of his individual educational trajectory»;

5. Development of case studies, tests for automated diagnostics of functional literacy development of schoolchildren: I.I.Khalitova, Head of UNESCO chair and G.A.Abdulkarimova, associate professor of Institute of mathematics, physics and informatics of Abai KazNPU. They shared their pedagogical experience and the results of scientific research within the theme «Development of case studies, tests as a condition for the development of functional literacy of students and ways of automated diagnostics of the learning process and results».

The exchange of experience between the specialists from Kazakhstan and Tatarstan was very fruitful. The participants of the event were unanimous: such meetings are useful for all parties.







