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Practical online consultation «Tabisti kassipker Bolu ushin ne istew Kerek?»

On 20 November 2020, in accordance with the educational work plan of Abai KazNPU, an on-line consultation on the topic: «Tibisti kassipker Bolu ushin ne istew Kerek?» was held at the Department of Jurisprudence of the Institute of History and Law with 3rd and 4th year students and masters students.

The event was held under the guidance of Associate Professor of Abai KazNPU L.I. Zhazylbek and senior lecturer Kazieva A.N. with the assistance of the speaker, associated professor K.H. Shadiev. Within the consultation, the following topics were considered: «Management Zhane ekonomikany modeldeu» iskerlik oyyny, the «Relevance of developing entrepreneurial thinking skills among students for the formation of intellectual property-the basics of innovative small business» and «Psychology of business thinking».





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