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Modern methods for identifying the giftedness of children and young people were discussed

On June 2, 2022 at the corporate foundation «Academy of Yelbasy» in Nur-Sultan an International round table was held with the participation of foreign and domestic experts to discuss modern methods of diagnosis and identification of the giftedness of children and youth. The event was attended by a member of the European Council on the Development of Giftedness Dr. Balazs Klein (Hungary), Dr. of the Department of Methodology and Pedagogy of Creativity at the Academy of Pedagogy named after Maria Grzegorzhevskogo Mica (Poland), and a member of the International Advisory Board. Maria Grzegorzewska Milosz Romaniuk (Poland), Alina Khamatdinova, Managing Director of CF «Academy of Yelbasy», a group of teachers from KazNPU named after Abay, the Department of Professional Training of the educational program «Social Sciences (Psychology)», namely Satova A.K, G.B. Nietbaeva, E.D. Abisheva, A.O. Nadirbekova, G.A. Mombieva, S.A. Tukebayeva, K.D. Beisembayeva, T.A. Ingaybekova and others. They exchanged experience, discussed issues of bilateral cooperation and developed practical recommendations.


«In the context of global competition, we understand how important it is to develop and support children`s abilities at an early age. Here, timely diagnosis plays an important role, which helps to guide the child`s development according to his or her aptitudes and abilities. This is precisely why we have developed the Qabilet project, which will help determine a child`s educational potential as accurately as possible», said Alina Khamatdinova.


Foreign experts shared their experience on identification of giftedness and development of abilities of children. Thus, Balazs Klein noted an adaptive receiver for the Raven progressive matrix IQ-test and other online assessments, and Milos Romaniuk elaborated on the Wars and SAWA programme for work with gifted students. Kazakhstan specialist Akmaral Satova talked about innovative approaches to diagnostics of modern pupils` abilities.


At the end of the meeting, the participants of the round table worked out proposals for bilateral cooperation in the field of identification and support of gifted children and youth.









