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International photographic exhibition

«Islam and Humanity: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow»

On May 17, on the eve of celebration of International Museum Day, solemn opening of the international photo-exhibition «Islam and humanity: yesterday, today, tomorrow» was held, organized by N. Nazarbayev Center on development of interconfessional and intercivilization dialogue together with the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan.


At the photo-exhibition devoted to the 30 anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan the photo-works and the unique artifacts opened depth of spiritual values of Islam, symbolizing the peace and consent were exposed.


Welcoming the guests of the photo exhibition, Bolat Sarsenbayev, Chairman of the Board of N. Nazarbayev Center, emphasized, that since the first days of Independence Kazakhstan aspires to open and constructive dialogue on questions of interaction between cultures, religions and confessions, in every possible way promoting the ideas of tolerance in the world.


The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of religious associations of Kazakhstan, the scientific community, mass media, as well as the Consulates General of Azerbaijan, Hungary, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Turkey in Almaty, as well as teaching staff of Abai Kazakh National University.


At the end of solemn ceremony N. Nazarbayev Center on development of interconfessional and inter-civilization dialogue and the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed the Memorandum on cooperation for strengthening of intercultural and interreligious dialogue.


The photo-exhibition «Islam and humanity: yesterday, today, tomorrow» will be open till June 1, 2021 in the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan for all comers with observance of safety measures.


It should be also noted that on May 13 Bolat Sarsenbayev, Chairman of the Board of the Centre of N. Nazarbayev, paid an unofficial visit to our university. The parties agreed to sign the corresponding Memorandum on cooperation in the field of carrying out joint events, opening of dialogue platforms and discussion platforms on interaction of religions, cultures and civilizations (







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