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Action -80. «From the taiga to the British Seas ...»

On May 25, 2021, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, together with the Centre for Prevention of Religious and Ethnic Extremism in Educational Organisations of the Russian Federation, Moscow City Pedagogical University, held Action-80. «From the taiga to the British Seas ...», dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the repulsion of Nazi Germany`s attack on the USSR.

The purpose of the action is the patriotic education of student youth, the veneration of significant historical events and memorable dates in the history of the state.


The action is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Council of Commanders of the Border Troops of the CIS Member States, the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans «Russian Union of Veterans».


The action began with a flower-laying ceremony at the «Eternal Flame» and a minute of silence.


The event was opened by the Chairman of the Board-Rector Takir Balykbayev and introduced the guests to the event participants.


It was followed by addresses of speakers. In his speech, public figure and film director Konstantin Kharalampidis spoke about the heroism of Kazakh soldier Rakhimzhan Koshkarbayev, who hoisted the Victory Banner over the Reichstag in Berlin.


Veteran of the Russian border troops, head of the «Action-80» project Sergey Nekrasov shared information that the event is being held in 15 cities of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus from May 17 to June 22 this year and presented to all viewers an educational video clip. Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the University Berikzhan Almukhambetov spoke about the exploits of the Kazakh batyrs who took part in the Great Patriotic War.


A concert was held at the university`s outdoor area, where the military orchestra of the NSC Border Guard Academy performed wartime songs. At the end of the event, a camp kitchen was organised.


Representatives of the Centre for Prevention of Religious and Ethnic Extremism in Educational Organizations of the Russian Federation of Moscow City Pedagogical University Machulko Konstantin, Kruchko Igor expressed their deep gratitude to the University administration and thanked the Trade Union Committee of the University for financial support and the Department for Educational Work for the excellent organization of the event.


«Action-80» will take place in 15 cities of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus in the period from May 17 to June 22, 2021.


















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