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Round table on the theme "Religious illiteracy - the path to religious extremism"


With the assistance of Akimat of Medeu district of Almaty and Department of educational, social work and youth policy on 9 September 2016 was organized round table on the topical theme "Religious illiteracy - the path to religious extremism".




The purpose of the event - the prevention of religious extremism among youth.

The round table was attended by Deputy Akim of Medeu district, experts of the Office of Religious Affairs, the staff of the Department of Internal Affairs, Prosecutors Office, and experts of the judiciary, members of religious organizations, representatives of Almaty clergy, faculty and students of the university.




Preface to the top of the round table was given to Deputy Akim of Medeu district Mailybayev Ghani Aidarovich.
During the event were presented a special video files, lectures, reports and the results of any cases of functioning of non-traditional religious sects.
As a result of special measures printed materials nontraditional religious movements have been confiscated.

The development of threads made Naib-Imam of the central Mosque of Almaty city and lay stress on the importance of proper education of youth and the role of religious denominations. He noted that on the instructions of the President, the plan is carried out on the correct religious education of the believing youth of our country.




Department of educational, social work and youth policy



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