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On 8 November, 2016 at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University held a scientific - practical conference on the theme: "Тәуелсіз жылдардағы мемлекеттік тіл саясаты" according to the Republican Network Graphics Medeu regional branch of the party "Nur Otan". The conference was organized by the Department of educational, social work and youth policy in cooperation with the Department of General Linguistics.
Deputy Head of the Department of educational, social work and youth policy Kazyna Bekbenbetova in her speech defined the purpose of the conference, and also noted the role of the state language in the development of independent Kazakhstan.
From the first years of independence, the country held a harmonious language policy that takes into account the interests of all the people of Kazakhstan, which ensures compliance with the linguistic rights of all ethnic groups of the country, to free choice of language of communication, upbringing, education and creative work.

It is extremely urgent topic touched upon in her speech, the conference moderator, Head of Department of General Linguistics Doctor of Philological Sciences Kalbike Esenova. She highlighted the significant status of the state language and the fundamental reforms of the done to develop and improve language policy. Similarly, she highlighted the main provisions of the existing Law on Languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In turn, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Kosymova Gulbanu made a substantive report on the topic: "Мәңгілік ел идеясын жүзеге асырудағы мемлекеттік тілдің өміршеңдігі". In her report Gulbanu Seylbekkyzy stopped at genealogical development of Turkic-speaking languages and which also apply our native language. The scientist-philologist was able to convey to the students the historical facts by using an interactive presentation. A comparative analysis of the similarity of the Kazakh and Turkic words to the ancient Sumerian alphabet peoples who lived in Mesopotamia (Middle Eastern) in 4th millennium BC.

Also, presentations were made by second-year doctoral student of the specialty "Philology" Beysenbaeva Meruyert and Chairman of the Youth Committee Seitov Rashid.
Summing up the results of scientific and practical conference participants reached a consensus that the successful implementation of language policy goals need very laborious, long-term work. It will take time, a generational change. There is optimism and confidence that we will achieve the tasks of linguistic construction, and there will come a time when the desire and ability to speak the Kazakh language will be natural for every citizen of Kazakhstan.


Department of educational, social work and youth policy


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