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Activities in support of the 28th World Winter Universiade


      In full swing preparation works for 28th World Winter Universiade, which was first held in our country. At the competition will take student-sportsmen of from 50 countries worldwide. Over 3,000 volunteers are willing to help to sportsmen and guests of the city. Among the volunteers there are 70 students of our university.

     On 26 January 2017 Vice-rector for educational work Zhanatbek Ishpekbaev held a meeting with the Deputy Director of the educational institutions and volunteers..

During the meeting Zh.E. Ishpekbayev noted that the Universiade-2017, which was first took place in our city, which is significant event in the life of the country. To review the rules of social security in the course of sports and crime prevention among young people were given the floor to the Deputy Chief Constable of Medeu district Almas Nurkanat.
Vice-Rector Zh.E. Ishpekbayev gave to the deputy directors on educational part of the list of 400 students, who on January 29 will be the audience and promote the opening of the Universiade torch relay ceremony.
Two torchbearers of active students of our university Barakh Meyrambek and Dildabek Didarbek will support 1,500 students and undergraduates of the university.
In conclusion, the vice-rector Zhanatbek Ishpekbayev urged everyone to take responsibility for a worldwide event, so as not to drop the prestige of the university.

Department of educational,
social work and youth policy

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