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The vice-rector for social development meets with students living in student dormitories


In order to study the general condition of students who came to study in the II semester of 2021-2022 academic year, and their living conditions, Vice Rector for Social Development of Abai KazNPU Chingiz Nurlanov and Deputy Director of the Department of Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy Didarbek Dildabek visited all dormitories of the Institute and held a meeting with students.


Students were familiarized with the order of residence in the dormitories, the internal order of the institution, they were told about the importance of public order inside and outside the university, fire safety and security, as well as the situation in connection with the pandemic.


In turn, students asked questions, received rational answers to suggestions and appeals related to improvement of living conditions in the dormitory.


At the end of the meeting Vice- Rector Nurlanov wished students good health and a successful academic year!





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