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Anti-corruption measures

Corruption is a threat to national security, reduces the effectiveness of the management board and the investment attractiveness, brakes socio-economic development, reduces the credibility of the country.
In order to improve anti-corruption immunity, educational organizations and educational complex systems and ways for honest work in 2014, the party "Nur Otan" was proposed and approved by the "Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015 - 2025 years".
On 16 February, 2017 University of aspiring party "Abai", together with Medeu district branch of "Nur Otan" organized a round table to discuss the document. For opening the round table first word took Vice-rector for educational work,  chairman of the party "Abai" Zhanatbek Ishpekbayev, who told the main directions of "Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 2015 - 2025 years" and gave the following information about the activities carried out in the university:
By order of the rector was assigned to the commission, which is updated every year.
During the year, the Office for the educational part of the organized meetings and seminars on the prevention of corruption from the city and district deputies, representatives of the party "Nur Otan".
Since last year, began works of the headquarters of social and psychological support to students in order to create a favorable environment during the session.
During the session Anti-corruption Commission and Youth Affairs Committee organized social survey "Session without corruption" , which helps to eliminate the root of corruptibility.
Secretary of the anti-corruption social council of the party "Nur Otan" Medeu district Daulet Omirzakov provided information about the work done within the boundaries of the district.
Deputy Chairman of the aspiring party "Abai" Bolatbek Nurbatyrov, Chairman of the Committee on Youth Rashid Seitov , 2nd year course student Didarbek Dildabekov read informative reports on the discussed topic.


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