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Charitable action " CHILDREN MUST NOT CRY "

       Kazakhs from ancient times said: "If you do charity, then you will see the good itself". To show concern and give warmth to orphans is civic duty for the people, who did not cry orphans and were not given a widow to stranger.
     Youth of the university periodically hold charitable events to show concern and increase enthusiasm in children left without parental affection.
     On 25 April, 2017 in the framework of the spring student festival "Youth. Creation. Innovation " the Department for Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy, student trade union committee and the Youth Affairs Committee held a charitable action" CHILDREN MUST NOT CRY " at the Children`s community No.1 Almaty region. During the action, talented university students showed a specially prepared concert program "My Little Friends"
     With the support of the student trade union committee and the public association "Two wings" to the foster-children bought stationery goods and toys. And in turn children showed their abilities: they sang and danced.
      Head of the Children`s community Gulmira S. Kondybayeva thanked university students for their care and good mood.









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