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         On 29 April , 2017 on the base " Youth. Creative. Innovation "Student Spring Festival with goal the support of the international exhibition "EXPO-2017" was organized the Beauty and Talent Competition "MISS KazNPU -2017".
        Jury was formed from persons, who have a special place in art and culture sphere. In the composition of jury were laureate of "Daryn" prize, director of the " Zhastar/Youth/" theater in Astana City, singer, actor- E.K. Zhumataiev, deputy head of the Department of educational, social work and youth policy - K.A. Bekbenbetova, head of the Culture Department - M.M. Zhautykov, the winner of the project " MuzART LIVE" - Nurkhat Segizbay and finalist of the "Miss Almaty", "Miss Sochi gold", Miss Photo Model, film and theater actress -Aliya Daniyarova.
         From our university in the competition participated 8 girls, who competed by 5 rounds such as mind and intellect, beauty and grace, art and education. In the " Presentation" round, ladies presented their knowledge, into the II- III rounds ladies answered questions about the exhibition "EXPO-2017", presented innovative ideas to the audience. In the last round ladies showed fashion defile "Spring`s breath". According to the results of competition student Nazerke Dauylbayeva Institute of Philology and multilingual education won the main prize, was awarded the ticket to the "EXPO-2017" exhibition, which will be held in Astana City, special prize from "Maybelline" (USA) luxury cosmetic company and with valuable prize from the Student Union.
           1st place took student of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Madina Kosherbay, 2nd place student of the Institute of Art, Culture and Sports Aziza Bisaliyeva, 3rd place student of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute Aksaule Sayakbai, who were awarded with the cash and valuable prizes from the Student Union. The organizers to other girls, who participated in this competition awarded following nominations: "AUDIENCE AWARD", "MISS INTERNET", "MISS EXPO", "MISS PODIUM" and valuable prizes .
             During the event representatives of "Maybelline" luxury cosmetics company conducted a professional makeup training to all girls.















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