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Master class "Public speaking and self-presentation" was held on public speaking


On November 15, 2023, a master class "Public speaking and self-presentation" was held for active students of Abai KazNPU and students of the additional education program of Abai Honors College organized by the Department of Education, Social Work and Youth Policy.

Zhumabaev Kuanysh, a professional oratory coach, founder of the company "Fabrika oratora" and the "Kazakh oratorical club", was the speaker of the event, which was organized in order to familiarize students with the intricacies of oratory, to express their thoughts freely in front of the country, and to master the skills of self-control. During the master class, he spoke to the students about the development of personality traits, formation of speech skills, and noted that one of the biggest fears of a person is speaking in public. He emphasised that oratory has always been valued by the Kazakh people and it is necessary to inculcate these traditions in the youth. The speaker focused on the logical-compositional structure and stylistic nature of speech, various methods of improvisational art, and gave directions to increase the creative activity of students, to determine their motivation for development.


As K.Zhumabaev noted, public speaking is the practice of confident speech in any audience, the ability to interest listeners, attract the attention of the audience. During the master class, the speaker taught participants leadership and negotiation skills, demonstrated how to quickly adapt to the audience, conducting group and individual work.

At the end of the event, the students expressed great gratitude to Kuanysh Zhumabaev and wished him success in his work.







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