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Abai University and the Writers` Union of RK establish co-operation


On December 8, 2023 the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between Abai KazNPU and the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan took place, organised by the Department of Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy.

The aim is to work together to promote national values by establishing effective cooperation in the development of culture and literature of the country, implementation of priorities aimed at stimulating the development of Kazakh literature by promoting the work of writers and poets. The corresponding memorandum on partnership and mutual cooperation in the implementation of joint spiritual and educational, literary programmes and projects was signed by the Chairman of the Board - Rector Bolat Tlep and Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan Galym Kalibekuly.

Cooperation of the parties also presupposes organisation of meetings for students of Abai KazNPU, which have deep cognitive and educational significance, establishment of close ties in the direction of increasing cultural and educational level by attracting students to reading books.

It is known that a person achieves spirituality and all-round development through fiction and works of art. We are sure that cooperation with the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan will increase the interest of students of our university to the national and world culture and self-education.







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