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Abai University students won prizes at the youth festival "Jas Gala"


On December 23, 2023, an award ceremony was held for the winners of the youth festival "Jas Gala" among the creative youth of Almaty, organized by the Almaty Students Alliance with the support of the Almaty City Youth Policy Department.


The purpose of the competition was to identify creative, gifted and talented youth and support their professional growth, the formation of moral values, high aesthetic and intellectual taste.


The solemn evening was attended by deputies of the Maslikhat, cultural figures and public figures, active youth of our city. Art stars such as Indira Elemes, Rocknrolla Band, Dosekesh also became guests of the evening.


During the festival, a competition of creative abilities of young people was organized in the nominations "Vocal", "Choreography", "Mobilography", "performance on an instrument", "Theater". The event was attended by students of Almaty universities, and for the first time the "Best student group" among Almaty universities was determined.


In addition, following the results of the festival, student artists of KazNPU named after Abai also took prizes. In the direction of "Vocals" Zhumakelda Mardana took the III place with the song "1994". Alpysbek Nurbek took the III place in the nomination "Theater" with the work of Nurbek "Mukhtar Shakhanov Narynkum zaualy". In the direction of "Choreography", the dance group "Sheker" took the second place, and in the direction of "Mobilography" Abish Aisholpan took the third place with the video clip "Urban Life".


We congratulate our students who won prizes at the event, which brought together talented and creative young people! We wish you further creative success!





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